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About 75% of drug court graduates never reoffend

When you are dependent on a particular substance, it may impact your impulse control and ability to rationalize, and this may lead to criminal charges. Depending on the severity of those charges, among other factors, you may have a chance at enrolling in drug court. If you do so and complete the program, you may … Read More

What is an ignition interlock device?

It is unsurprising that Texas is tough on DWI charges: thousands of Americans sustain injury or die as a result of drunk driving each year. While all states in the US have laws against drunk driving, they do differ slightly between states. In some instances, if you have a DWI conviction in Texas, you need … Read More

Are breath alcohol tests reliable?

Providing an estimation of the amount of alcohol in drivers’ blood, the authorities largely rely on breath alcohol tests during drunk driving stops. If the results indicate you have a blood alcohol content over the legal limit of 0.08%, you may be arrested for driving under the influence or while intoxicated. Unfortunately, these tests do … Read More

A second chance for young people

As the parent of a young person having trouble with the justice system, it is easy to feel like things are getting out of control. However, things might not be as bad as you think.  We have seen many families similar positions end up better off after their interactions with the law. That is because, in Collins … Read More

What you need to know about naloxone

Naloxone is a medication that can reverse the effects of narcotics on the body and prevent someone from dying of an overdose. It also goes by the brand name Narcan. It is available from a pharmacy and packaged in a way that allows you to administer an appropriate dose even if you are not a … Read More

How do you reduce your teen’s chances of drunk driving?

Drinking and driving is a dangerous practice, especially for teenagers. If your teenager gets pulled over or arrested in Texas for driving after consuming alcohol, he or she could end up with a conviction for DWI or DUI. The difference between these charges depends on the driver’s blood alcohol concentration; the penalties for DWI are … Read More

When might the court try a minor as an adult?

Typically, juvenile criminal cases do not get a lot of news coverage. Officials usually keep these cases out of the public eye to help protect the children in the case. However, occasionally, you will hear about a case in the media. When this happens, it generally is due to the criminal charges being serious, such … Read More

Recent changes to gun laws in Texas

Tragic shootings that have recently taken place in the state of Texas and throughout the country have continued to make gun possession a controversial topic. States have responded to these incidents in various ways. While some states have chosen to tighten their gun laws, as of last year Texas lawmakers have loosened a number of … Read More

Drunk driving allegations and one’s college education

When someone faces a DUI case, they likely have a number of concerns. For starters, these charges bring serious financial penalties for people and we understand that there are many other reasons why DUI cases are so significant. For example, those who are attending college or hope to attend college soon often experience challenges related … Read More

What is the difference between a jury trial and a bench trial?

A bench trial means that the judge is the trier of fact and the judge is also the person who determines the law in the case. So, you will not be in front of a jury or in front of a panel of your peers. According to HG Legal, the judge will be the only … Read More